Tuesday 12 October 2010

Diary Blog Entry: 121010

Complications with booking the theatre have arisen. Year 10 boys assembly will ended at 3:30pm, so I waited until then and started to set up the props. Ms Johnson, the head teacher had a faculty meeting, and I had to clear up all our equipment again, even though I did already book the theatre for 3:00pm. Mr. Hitchinson, the technician also had no knowledge of this meeting so he helped me carry everything to the Drama studio. Setting up the equipment, I called the actors and they came well prepared; the lead singer had learnt the lyrics fluently and the drummer learnt the drumming pattern, guitarist was ill and had a headache but continued to act. Kimberly, a drama student, showed me how to use the lighting in the theatre, and taught me how to set up the sound and spotlights. Another problem I encountered was the lack of mains power outlets, as I needed to use many external devices including lighting, amplifiers, microphones, sound system etc. to make the scene look as authentic as possible. We finished shooting at 6:00pm, just before the low battery warning on my camera had appeared. I have also taken a few potential photos for my Digipak, as it was very convenient using the hired instruments as props. Today, I also had to re-arrange the location and next shooting date, as my lead singer's schedule clashed. We have arranged to film on Monday 25th October, as the male and female lead are free.

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