Thursday 21 October 2010

Diary Blog Entry: 211010

Mr. Hitchinson has replied; he has reserved the equipment for me. I have spoken to Ms. Osman about using the drama studio, and she said she has booked me in for that slot in the evening. There were no sticks for the school's drum kit, so I have called my friend to see if I could borrow his for the filming, who fortunately, lives near my College. Filming went well; two members of cast had to leave early because of Maths Exams so I filmed close up shots of the lead singer, and some narrative outside the school grounds. Using the dolly track, I have filmed a few scenes of the band performing and some scenes with Kimberly and Archie. I feel today was more successful than the first performance shoot as the cast were more comfortable and relaxed, whereas the first day of shooting was quite awkward for the actors as they were not familiar with one another.

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