Monday, 15 November 2010

Feedback and Analysing Results (Incomplete)

To know which sections to improve on from my first draft, I have gathered a lot of audience feedback, from my teacher as well as my peers. I have posted my rough cut video on popular social networking site, Facebook, which gathered a few "likes" and i have also emailed a lot of my peers the link for my questionnaire which allowed anonymous feedback as I believe people may be more honest if they knew I didn't know who they were. This has been proven to be successful, as I have recieved 85% more feedback than what I would've gotten, without using the anonymous option. This website, Surveymonkey has allowed me to set up a relatively simple questionnaire for my audience to quickly answer, without the need of signing up for an account or subscribing to any newsletters. I have mostly used multiple choice questions so analysing the results would be more convenient, but I have also added an extra text-box for the people who want to elaborate on their answer.

I added personal audience questions at the start of the questionnaire, such as gender and age to gather information on which audience my video is most popular with.

It seems my video is most popular with the female gender, but around over one third of the audience are males, which I predicted earlier because of the song choice and genre, as young male bands tend to attract many female viewers. Gathering over 250 views on, the site has notified me with statistics that my video is most popular with females aged 13-24, gathered from the members of the audience with Youtube accounts.

The next question, was about whether or not the audience felt the video fitted the song, featuring less narrative, more performance or vice versa. The results gathered were positive and they felt it featured an equal balance of the two.

After asking that question, I though it'd be relevant to ask whether or not the performance scene was convincing. A vast majority of the audience believed it to be realistic, but a few suggested the actors needed to be more confident, and needed more practice with the instruments. I feel this is important so I will use better shots of the actors in the theatre.

The narrative is a very important section, as it conveys the feelings of the track and also sets the mood to be enjoyable. I have asked whether or not the narrative is easy to understand and believable and I have received positive feedback, and one suggested "there should be more narrative" so I may add a few more clips of the couples' flashbacks.

Evoked feelings:

I have asked the audience to rate the video out of ten, so I would know what stage I'm at, and how much I have to improve to get their approval. I'm mostly glad that the votes weren't too low, but I'm determined to meet as many requests as possible, to cater for my audience. As the questions were fairly vague, I wanted detailed constructive feedback so I have asked the audience to write the

Elaborated improvement:

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