Tuesday 26 October 2010

Diary Blog Entry: 261010

I have used the dolly track to film scenes with Archie walking and lip synching in Ford Square, Whitechapel, looking gloomy/depressed. The strong wind caused a bit of an issue with Archie's hair, as after every sentence he said, he'd have to fix his hair back, but I have tried my best to avoid him walking against the direction of the wind. I have bought the MP3 version of the song from iTunes and transferred it to my mobile phone memory card because it can play the song out loud so Archie can lip synchronise the song accurately. The weather was very bad today and I was worried mostly about the lighting as it started to rain which had affected the "cheerful" scenes with Archie and Kimberly, and we had to stop filming for a while, because I had to cover the camera. We went into the library, and asked for permission to film some scenes in there, which they granted as long as we didn't film the other people in the building. I have put all the footage (183 videos) on my computer, as well as my external hard drive as a back up. Overall, I think today was the most successful despite the unexpected rain, because I managed to film the remaining parts of the narrative in approximately 7 hours and also Archie and Kimberly's effort in acting were exceptionally good, as they did well despite the cold weather and rain. Today is the last scheduled filming day with my actors, and from tomorrow I will be helping out with their own project, coming along as an extra on their scheduled film dates and also teach them how to edit (effects, transitions, colour adjustments etc.) videos, as a thank you for being in my video.

Monday 25 October 2010

Diary Blog Entry: 251010

I have filmed some cloud footage, and some scenes with Archie. I have emailed Mohammed (the person who currently has the dolly track) to arrange a time to meet so he could give it to me, and collected it to use tomorrow. I have called the two lead actors to let them know what costumes they will need to wear for tomorrow. (Archie: leather fitted jacket, boots, black straight cut jeans, plaid shirt, black beanie hat. Kimberly: brown leather jacket, brown boots, tights, long plaid shirt.) I will be planning to take more potential band photos for my digipak and magazine advert, and have contacted the full cast asking if they are free tomorrow after school.

Friday 22 October 2010

Diary Blog Entry: 161010

I have recorded a few time-lapse videos, showing alterations between night and day. I may use these clips in the music video to showing the change in time, during the lyrics "stay up all night, best friends talking 'til the daylight." I have also filmed some of the narrative today with Archie and Kimberly, at lunchtime outside college. After the filming, Kimberly has gone to visit her family in Liverpool, and does not know when she'll be back so she will contact me via text/phone call to confirm the next day of filming. I am not familiar with video editing, as I've never been in a situation where I'd need to edit videos, so I have started playing around on Apple Final Cut Express during my free time to help me get used to applying effects, cropping, speeding, reversing, transitions, etc. I have somewhat learnt the keyboard short-cuts fluently now, and it will help me edit quickly after I have finished filming my footage.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Diary Blog Entry: 211010

Mr. Hitchinson has replied; he has reserved the equipment for me. I have spoken to Ms. Osman about using the drama studio, and she said she has booked me in for that slot in the evening. There were no sticks for the school's drum kit, so I have called my friend to see if I could borrow his for the filming, who fortunately, lives near my College. Filming went well; two members of cast had to leave early because of Maths Exams so I filmed close up shots of the lead singer, and some narrative outside the school grounds. Using the dolly track, I have filmed a few scenes of the band performing and some scenes with Kimberly and Archie. I feel today was more successful than the first performance shoot as the cast were more comfortable and relaxed, whereas the first day of shooting was quite awkward for the actors as they were not familiar with one another.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Diary Blog Entry: 141010

I have filmed some narrative scenes at A's house, and locations nearby. Mr. Skinner has taught me how to use the dolly track and i have planned to use this Thursday (the second scheduled performance scene). I have emailed Mr. Hitchinson about using the instruments again for another performance scene, he hasn't replied yet. One of the cast has a dentist appointment, which clashes with the next scheduled performance; re-scheduling date to be confirmed. The footage on the memory card has been transferred to my USB memory stick, as the capacity is full. I have also made a new user account on the school computer, to back up my footage in case my work is accidently deleted.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Diary Blog Entry: 121010

Complications with booking the theatre have arisen. Year 10 boys assembly will ended at 3:30pm, so I waited until then and started to set up the props. Ms Johnson, the head teacher had a faculty meeting, and I had to clear up all our equipment again, even though I did already book the theatre for 3:00pm. Mr. Hitchinson, the technician also had no knowledge of this meeting so he helped me carry everything to the Drama studio. Setting up the equipment, I called the actors and they came well prepared; the lead singer had learnt the lyrics fluently and the drummer learnt the drumming pattern, guitarist was ill and had a headache but continued to act. Kimberly, a drama student, showed me how to use the lighting in the theatre, and taught me how to set up the sound and spotlights. Another problem I encountered was the lack of mains power outlets, as I needed to use many external devices including lighting, amplifiers, microphones, sound system etc. to make the scene look as authentic as possible. We finished shooting at 6:00pm, just before the low battery warning on my camera had appeared. I have also taken a few potential photos for my Digipak, as it was very convenient using the hired instruments as props. Today, I also had to re-arrange the location and next shooting date, as my lead singer's schedule clashed. We have arranged to film on Monday 25th October, as the male and female lead are free.

Monday 11 October 2010

Diary Blog Entry: 111010

Specific arrangements of props: two amplifiers, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, two microphones and stands, CD player and speakers, rows of chairs, tables, full drum kit, spotlights for tomorrow's filming. Contemplating whether or not to use the dolly track, most probably won't need it for the performance scenes as the tripod can pan and tilt freely already. I called the actors to confirm the "stylish casual" costumes they had to wear. Archie: (lead singer): white shirt, open plaid shirt, jeans, boots, and leather jacket just in case. Larry (guitarist): red plaid shirt, white v-neck, beige skinny jeans and Vans sneakers. Nicholas (drummer): white Hollister t-shirt, navy blue wash jeans, white trainers. I have arranged to collect the equipment at 2:30pm and meet the cast at 3:00pm in the main theatre. I have been in touch with the cast, i have been talking to Nicholas and Larry via Facebook to arrange rehearsal time and have given Archie, the CD and lyrics sheet.